Month: July 2013

Hairy fast spider

Hairy fast spider

This is the floor of the hallway outside the lab at NEERI– it’s raining outside so the critters come in. I found this guy’s sibling in my room a couple months ago. I threw the pen in there for perspective– although I realize that it’s far away maybe you can zoom. He’s big and hairy.

Indo-Mexican Conference on Sustainable Water and Wastewater Management

Indo-Mexican Conference on Sustainable Water and Wastewater Management

Today I spoke Spanish with 6 Mexicans– 4 in town for the Indo-Mexican Conference on Sustainable Water and Wastewater Management, and 2 working for the Mexican Embassy in New Delhi. A really nice experience after hearing them speak about current water issues including aquifer overuse stemming from growing water demands (much like our growing problem in the USA).