Month: October 2016

Solar Installation


Here is the back of the solar panel.  We are on our way!

There are nine panels arranged (wired) in three sets of three panels; each individual set is wired in series, and the three sets are wired in parallel to each other.

When you wire in series, voltage adds; when you wire in parallel voltage does NOT add (amperage adds which allows for more loads on the system because there is more ‘volume’ of electricity).

Each individual set of three will have an output of approximately 85 Volts of Direct Current (VDC), ±20%. This results in a range of output from 68 – 102VDC (this means individual panels are 22 – 34VDC) . Output will depend on sun and weather conditions. The three sets in parallel will also have the same voltage output, since they are in parallel (but the three sets allow for enough amperage supply required).